Man, what a simple postcard with a powerful meaning. At least, that's one of the postcards that hit me the hardest. I think it's because I want to feel valued. I work so damn hard to make myself marketable to the opposite sex, but sometimes I don't think I'll ever find one. You want to know the truth, though? Sometimes, I'd just rather get a dog that would love me rather than some woman. Postsecret is really good, and sad. I'd like to send one. Did you know that he was on "All Things Considered" with Michelle Norris?
So something really crappy happened to me today. I don't really feel like talking about it because it hasn't really sunk in. It's really poopy, and I feel like a huffy post about how much my life sucks would only make it worse. I choose to remember how I felt today when I knew that God would take care of it.
I got into an accident on the freeway. My truck is teh pwnd. I only dream for someting with good gas mileage and a CD player, but it will be hard to replace Nate. :' (
It was really depressing to drive off seeing his face all crumpled in knowing that I would never be able to drive him again. I liked my little guy. It was also really irritating that my truck was only worth $50 dollars in the condition that it was in. I felt so demeaned when the owner of the body shop reached into his pocket to pull out the $50 bucks as if Nate was some candy bar that he was buying at the store. That was my truck that had priceless sentimental value and that guy took it off my hands for chump change.
The tow-truck driver gave me some practicle advice as he was carrying my truck to the body shop.
"Did the other guy get hurt?"
"Did you get hurt?"
"Then fuck it. Shit happens."
The really cool thing is even though I am going to have to buy and finance another car, I'm just not worried about it at all. I just don't feel like it's a problem. I'm not looking into the furture and thinking that there is now way that I could do this. I'm just really relazed about the outcome of all this. I"m pretty sure that comes from God because I am Captain Worrywart.
Because of the accident, I was not able to go into work today and will now have to stay up late tonight cursing at Miscrsoft Excel for not being easier to use while I try to make bar graphs for my five Learning Cases that I manage.
I think I know of a few secrets that I could send itno postsecret, but all of them are pretty seedy and I don't know if I really want to achknowledge them - they're all EXTREMELY perverted.
That wuz really nice of that truck driver to say. And there's some EXTREMELY rich (and I'm not altogether sure if it's good) Middle Eastern dessert type choco stuff in the fridge, if you'd like some. I warn you though, I've only taken mini-bites and it's wreaking havoc on my stomach.
Tow truck drivers do seem to be fairly practical people. One of my supervisors when i worked security was a retired cop and whenever something would happen (like stolen merchandise) and there was someone getting emotional about it, he would tell them about the same thing. "If no one got hurt, then it could have been a helluva lot worse." or something to that extent.
anyway, good luck with the car shopping.
hopefully I will be able to get a car this Saturday (today), but it seems so brash and errorful to go out looking for a car and then BUY the thing on the same day. I don't know through whom I'm going to finance it yet, but, hey, I'm trying to see to the Kingdom of God, and I've been real disciplined with my tithe lately, so that will have to be in God's hands.
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