Survey says...

I'm sitting in the library asking some students to fill out a survey that I have generated. It's a beast; it's about 14 in depth questions about your college experience. It seems like I would be getting less glares if I had picked a better time of the semester to finish the survey, but... I have procrastinated like the rest of these people /cringe
I see so many girls walking around with that same stupid pressed-straight hair, big sun glasses, and carrying smoothies or some sort of ground iced latte. This is what they all look like. It's amazing how similar everyone looks once the sun comes out. Even me, I won't lie.
This is a very pointless post; honestly, I'm just wasting time until some other people get done with the survey that I gave them.
i hate those giant sunglasses. they look so stupid
Audrey Hepburn wore big sunglasses.
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