Monday, August 21, 2006


"Wow. Gosh, thank you. I mean, this has never happened to me before." I stammered over the phone.
"Ha ha. Well it's gift," the receptionist chuckled back.

I actually qualified for a State Grant so that I get money now that I don't have to pay back. This is really cool. I double-checked it and everything, but it seems totally legitimate. Everyone knows the shit that I usualy say about being broke, but this is pretty incredible. Free stuff doesn't ever come my way. I'm always pulling my line by myself to make ends-meet.

But like everything in my life, there is a spiritual side to this. The Bible talks about working faithfully and dillegently and God will reward you. Well, everyone knows how hard it's been for me these last few years. I know it, you know it, and God knows it; I tell him all the time. But I also remind him of his promises and how I did work hard and dilligently. How I've been good with my money so that no matter how much I have, I give at least ten percent to churches, other people, or save it for Christian conferences. There are other things that I'm looking for Jesus to give me, and I mean that in a literal sense. Not like he will show me and make me go get it, but that he will just give me stuff freely so that I don't have to work for it. It's taken me a while to be able to brazenly tell Jesus that I want some things and I feel like he owes me them. It's not out of greed, it's more like a promised reward that I am reminding a person he has not given me yet.

I said I would try to update this thing and show how God will slowly build me back up after spending the last two years dismantling me.

This is big news.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed it is. Cheers, love!

-Teh Breat

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats dude. free stuff is the best stuff


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