Reflections on reflecting

We write reflections a lot in the College of Education. They allow us an opportunity to reflect on the assignment just completed and figure out what it meant to us. This puts the experience into our own words generating a fixated memory in our consciousness. If I were a teacher, this would be "learning" because now my student has a fixated memory he can call upon of something that I taught him.
In the adult world we call these reflections blogging, journaling, or keeping a diary. In the professional world we call these reflections portfolios.
In my world I call reflections invaluable to constructing my consciousness. If you're a post-structuralist you'll have a field day with that last sentence. Go nuts.
In any case, here I am reflecting on my life up to this point. That can be an onerous task and I don't know if I'm to it, honestly. I suppose I could list the things in my life that have brought me to where I am, but I don't think I want to take that kind of time. It should be known that I am spending valuable time writing in this when I could be studying (which is its own reward... kinda), but I find that writing about what is going on in my life allows me to put it in my own terms, to frame my reality, so to speak. If I understand my world better then I can usually react more confidently to it.
I am... growing up. I feel different about the world and I certainly respond to everything differently. I don't think this inherently means that I am growing up, but I find myself more capable of mimicking the responses of the adults' live I choose to emulate. This I call growing up.
I am becoming more scholastically aware, and I really want to make grad-school a primary objective. I think I have what it takes. In my linguistic classes, I am able to keep up no problem with whatever the professor is speaking of, and I don't see my brain reaching that critical mass point in Linguistics for a while now. I don't know where this will take me, but I love Linguistics.
Here is an update for those of you who care about these types of things.
I am alive. I am breathing everyday. I'm clean; I've been porno free for, well since last time I updated, and this makes me feel good. I wanted to masturbate last night, but I decided it would be better to go to bed unfulfilled rather than have that on my conscience in the morning. I had a dream last night that I married a girl that didn't love me and wouldn't have sex with me. When we finally had an opportunity to work it out (we were really busy with family things or something) she went off and did things with her friends. I was incredibly frustrated because I thought I had made a huge mistake in marrying her. I wanted to divorce her, but I knew that wouldn't be a good thing. I woke up before I was able to find out if we had reconciled or not.
I watched Koyaanisqatsi the other day and really like it. I'm going to watch Powaqqatsi sometime this weekend, maybe.
Here are some lyrics from an In Flames song that I've been enjoying lately.
Have we lost the spark or a guide?
What's the latest on the screen?
Can't be too late to turn around
I need all the help from you
I need to find
Something to blame for a long lost time
I am running from something that I don't know
I am searching for something, which way to go?
I am trying to separate what's real
I'm running in a wheel
Is it dark or is it bright?
What's the latest on the screen?
Please tell me my name
I haven't checked it today
From green to red our days pass by
Waiting for a sign to tell us why
Are we dancing all alone?
Collect some stars to shine for you
And start today 'cause there's only a few
A sign of times my friend
My friend avoid infinity
Are you for real?
Just scratch the surface
And you will find
Something to blame for a long lost time
You consider masturbating to be something that's "on (your) conscience?" If I felt bad every time I masturbated, I probably would have killed myself like eleven years ago. I don't think it's anything to feel bad about. It's just what happens when you have nothing else to do.
"In my world I call reflections invaluable to constructing my consciousness. If you're a post-structuralist you'll have a field day with that last sentence. Go nuts."
So tempting...
Actually, after my last foray at the language used in this blog (by maker and commenters), I decided my understanding of Derrida is not what I wish it to be. That said, I have an excerpt from a poem that may suffice for a comment.
"That year magi appeared from the east:
Jacques Lcan, Tzvetan Todorov,
Roland Barthes, and Jacques Derrida
brought their Saussurean strategies
to the Hopkins conference on "The Language
of Criticism and the Sciences of Man,"
where they told us that all language
is code and thus separate from reality,
and therefore everything
is a text as long as there is nothing
more than this half-conscious
linguistic interplay between perceiver
and perceived, which is another way
of saying that language is the only reality
or at least the only one that counts.
As different as these thinkers are,
each was telling us that there is no us:
that cultural structures
or the media or Western thought
or the unconscious mind
or economic systems make us
what we are or what we seem to be, since,
in fact, we are not, which isn't such bad news,
if you think about it, because it means
we don't have to take ourselves so seriously."
"It's just what happens when you have nothing else to do."
i think mastubation is healthy. ...and cool
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