Thursday, October 12, 2006

It was a stronghold

I think. I go back and forth on this subject (girls) like the weather. Anyone who has known me for more than one year knows how often I have troubles with girls. The worst part of it is, I shouldn't have any because I'm never involved with any girls.

A victory would be nice, though.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, I share your sentiment. I tried to adopt a plan of not thinking or fretting about girls, but it didn't take hold. I, like you, shouldn't feel I have so many problems with girls because I don't really even have enough contact with them to have problems. But we have to take our victories, however small, where we can find them. Have you been spat upon? There's a small victory.


At 4:39 AM, Blogger Logan said...

The more battles you fight the more victories you'll have.

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Maturity said...

Dude, you both rock. I needed some encouragement in this too. Thanks.


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