unedited thoughts
I had some spare time so I decided to do a brain dump. I don't know why I always dump this stuff here... wait, yes I do.
It's because I'm calling for help.
I think the reason that I want God to get rid of my short list is because I have been so hurt in the past by crushes. I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want to feel that awkward and ugly all over again.
Sometimes the phrase “mutually assured destruction” runs through my head when I think about relationships and how I have mucked them up the last five years. If I’m going to be miserable, I might as well make her just as miserable, right? Maybe. But that’s if you stop caring about anyone else.
She has been very heavy on my mind and heart and I don’t even know who she is… good grief. This sucks. So much of what is happening mirrors all that has gone wrong in the past when it comes to me and relationships. I’ve got those familiar longings, those familiar dreams (Last night I had a dream where I was going to a speech given by my most recent ex-crush. I was given a white flower before she started talking. I vaguely recall similar dreams about this kind of thing), that same feeling in my stomach, and that same tumultuous brain patterning. I just wish I could be over this stuff, but not as I will as the Lord wills. Paul asked for something to go away that never did. He asked three times, but it never went away. Dude, I hate how girls just get in my mind.
I don’t write as much as I used to. I don’t know what to do. At this point, I don’t know what to believe. Have I always fallen for girls that are out of my “league.” What is my league? That’s a pretty good question. I’m so pessimistic from my constant losses that I might consider my league what one finds on the bottom of a trash can. Why have I not had a girlfriend for the last five years? I think that’s a damn good question. I don’t type that because I feel I’m obligated or something, but am I horribly repulsive? I know I’m not statuesque and beautiful; I’m kind of lumpy and hairy, from what I understand that may not be what girls want these days.
Man, I hate how this happens. Feelings for a girl aren’t a joyous things for me; it’s like a waling note of dread is ringing throughout my head… that’s when I’m being realistic, anyways. When I let my mind wander and exist in my CONSTANT fantasies, I’m the coolest, sexiest, funniest man on the planet to that girl. I amaze myself with how much I get stuck in my own head. Lately, when this happens I confess the whole things to Jesus (it’s pretty embarrassing sometimes – Jesus, okay this one is really stupid. I just rescued her from 25 ninjas with my Wolverine claws. They’re not usually THAT ridiculous, but often times I will simply imagine that girl in my mind as my girlfriend and I’ll imagine us talking, or hugging, or holding hands, or laying down together and stuff like that) and ask him to destroy it. I don’t want to live in there in my head anymore. I want to exist in the here and now even if that means I won’t get this particular girl (although, who am I kidding? I’m not going to get her anyway, look at the past 5 years!).
Mostly, I just want to be over this. Would I get a girlfriend if an opportunity presented itself? Yes, I would. I realize what Paul was saying when he said that some people can’t be single because it causes them to stumble. Well, here I am.
I am going to be choosey but yes I would. I long to be in a relationship with a mature, smart, and capable Christian woman. I know that this girl is the kind that can do that because God has told me. That wasn’t a a real surprise, but I think he told me that she could be the kind of girl that could be mature, smart, and capable, and work with me in a relationship.
Geez, who am I? Does everyone go on this long about this kind of thing? Does every guy have to get his mind under control like I do, or am I some sort of anomaly? I think that I might be healthy; there are things that need to be changed and Jesus is working on that, but could I be in a relationship and be a healthy, responsible, and mature boyfriend (according to God’s standards)? I think so, I just can’t seem to find a girl that would ever want to hold my hand…
And so I’m back where I started asking the same questions: Could I be in a relationship? Am I someone that can love or be loved? Am I physically attractive enough for a woman to love me?
I hope so.
But then I get back to the original problem I’ve been having the last five years: [i]I can’t find one girl that I have feelings for who agrees with me in that…[/i]
…and so I wait and agonize and just wish to be left alone unless God is going to feature me as the main character in an incredibly sweeping, and romantic love story.
And yes, for anyone who wants to criticize the italicized statement, I realize that the problem is I keep falling for girls that don’t want me. I know this, and I hate it about myself. But I don’t want to settle. I really want to reach for the stars or some other idealistic statement. I wish I could fall for some girl that could return my affections and not have to “let me down.” It’s incredibly embarrassing. That is actually the worst part in all this. I have been single for the last five years, but it’s not like I haven’t tried. I have tried and failed. Wouldn’t you be embarrassed?
You write:
"I don’t want to live in there in my head anymore. I want to exist in the here and now."
If I were to use your spatial positioning (your preposition is as good as any I suppose), I would say that you will, more or less, always live inside your head. By that I mean to say, you get to observe the world as you (whatever that means), but never without you (the veritable opposite!). Which means, you're stuck "inside" (and, upon second thought, that seems adequate, like a fly could be said to be "inside" a web) you, no matter what you think about.
Moving forward, I wouldn't seek to live in the "here and now", that is, the present moment, because such a thing is not possible. The present moment is always passing away.
A quote:
"Presence is shadowed by the death of presence... Similarily, any current present moment bear in it the future present moments toward which it is moving. The differences between these 'presents' constitute the 'present' we attempt to grasp as something substantive before our minds."
Anyway, the issue I see here is that you have not convinced me that you "reach for the stars" at all. Instead, I think you admire those stars from afar.
You say that you've tried in the past five years and I'll take you at your word, but, you know, in 2006 I tried to have one-night-stands with three separate girls. Really, I haven't been so active. Certainly not as active as I could have been. You profess that you don't know your current crush, and I'll make the jump and say this fact is probably standard behavior for you regarding crushes. That's fine. I'm not trying to belittle you, but (harping on your language again) you've probably been reaching far less than gazing.
After all this harping, I really don't have much to say to console you on this subject. I'll say that you should try actually reaching for those stars you're looking at though.
You = dreamboat
And, might I add, all bitches is tricks and hoes.
I love you, add'em. You always have such nice things to say!
Sorry, Logan. I just don't have time these days to to argue this stuff; I would, but you know how it goes...
Let me guess, round and round?
That's fine. I don't comment here looking for a fight (or... conversation, if I had the wrong idea the first time around). However, I'll stop commenting before commenting another way.
I'll admit, I do go out on a limb here, thinking you write these entries to get some sort of input, since if you didn't want that, I assume it would be simpler to write in a private journal (assuming, of course, that a blog entry can ever really be considered "public"). Working from that assumption, I leave comments that I think may help keep the discourse (external or otherwise) ongoing.
I don't just nitpick for its own sake.
Well then, Logan, you are highly intuitive becaue I don't just blog for the sake of updating a journal. I like to get input from people, and it gives me some crazy sense of satisfaction to know that my friends whom I love and see from time to time know how much of a screwball I actually am.
I really appreciate yours and add'em's comments. It's nice to have someone respond critically to what could otherwise just be a lazy discourse of inane internet babble. And Add'em always has something encouraging to say. That strange combination of srutinizing and encouraging I find edifying. There was possibly too many gerunds in that previous sentence.
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