Thursday, October 26, 2006


I talked to that same women who, a couple weeks ago, guided me through that crazy, vivid prayer this morning. She seems pretty convinced that I'll have a girl by the end of the year. Who knows?

We have Friday off. Thank God. All I plan on doing is eating two giant cheeseburgers and sitting around. I don't have much in the way of liesurely things to do, so maybe I'll give some people a call and we can hang out. Maybe I'll watch a movie. Maybe I'll do some homework (I am EXTREMELY behind in one of my classes). Quien sabe?

I see my life branching into two possible roads. There are girls at each one of them. What will become of me? Na rayk?

I've got a midterm today that I have put a lot of time into, so I should be getting a good grade. Na rayk?

Whatever. It's my life to enjoy. Ga wy ij'moe? Awm ga wy ratch ij'moe. It doesn't matter. I'm sealed. I am freakin' sealed!

I might have super good news soon for those of you who care about my CRAZY love life... even though it's not that crazy.

Here's to good news. *lifts glass* And here's to all of my friends that I don't see that often these days. *drinks*


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Logan said...

JJ... please, rewrite that first sentence.

Anyway, good luck with those ladies. One, the other, both at the same time. I'm down for hearing about it.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Maturity said...

Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, when I was writing that sentence I was having trouble fitting it all into one sentence.

I prayed with a woman named Jacci, who is about 50 years old and is extremely blessed, and well trained in healing prayer. When you're going through this healing prayer, it feels like an incredibly ancient form of spiritual healing. You have to keep your eyes closed the entire time, and then the person prays for you and asks God to protect you while you go through this process. She'll ask God to give you a vision, or a thought, or a memory; and then you wait for it. When it comes, you'll know. She basically just waits and helps to guide the vision. For example, there were times when I thought that I saw Jesus in my memories, or my visions. She would ask God to clarify what I was seeing. Then she would wait and I would watch in my head as the vision manifested itself into something else. Once, what I thought was Jesus turned into a giant, extremely muscular stone statue that grabbed me by my neck. When something like this would happen she would happen, she had the wisdom to know how to handle it; she knew how to pray that vision away and ask God for another. It was pretty crazy. The first time she prayed over me, I had about two hours of intense visions. Yeah, I know how it souuds, I think it's pretty nuts too.

Anyway, so that was a few weeks ago. I talked to her again that morning about some questions I had regarding all of the things that I saw. We didn't do any of that ancient spiritual prayer stuff. We just talked.

Hopefully, that should clarify things. If you want to know about the stuff I saw, I would definitely post it.


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